Hyper Automation vs Intelligent Automation: The Future of Amazon Selling

Welcome to the future of Amazon Seller Automation. We’re not just talking about flying cars and robot butlers. We’re talking about a seismic shift in the way we do business on Amazon. And if you’re an Amazon seller still relying on old-school methods, you’re about to get a wake-up call that’ll make your morning coffee look like a lullaby.

The World of Amazon Seller Automation

Let’s delve into the world of hyper automation and intelligent automation for Amazon sellers. These aren’t just fancy tech jargon designed to impress at dinner parties. They’re game-changers that can save you a small fortune. How much, you ask? Try £365,000 a year. That’s right. You could save the equivalent of a swanky London flat every year. Let’s break it down.

The True Cost of Running an Amazon Business Without Automation

Running a successful Amazon business isn’t a one-man show. It’s a full-blown production that requires a cast of characters. Here’s a quick rundown of the roles and their associated costs:
Job Title Role Description Annual Salary
Brand Manager Manages and develops the overall brand strategy for a specific brand. £50,000
SEO Specialist Improves the organic ranking of each brand on other search engines by optimising elements on the website itself. £30,000
PPC and Marketing Specialist Oversees the strategy, development, and execution of Pay-Per-Click campaigns. £30,000
Social Media Specialist Manages and grows the specific brand’s presence on social media platforms. £28,000
Sales Manager Develops and implements sales strategies to maximise sales on for a specific brand. £27,000
Customer Service Representatives Team Handles customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback. £27,000
Inventory Manager Manages inventory and ensures products are always in stock. £30,000
Regulatory Affairs Specialist Ensures all products of a specific brand comply with relevant regulations and standards. £45,000
E-commerce Analyst Analyses online sales data, customer behaviour, and market trends on e-commerce platforms for a specific brand. £40,000
Graphic Designer Creates visually appealing graphics for product images, advertisements, and social media posts for a specific brand. £30,000
Copywriter Writes product descriptions, promotional materials, and other brand content for a specific brand. £28,000
Total £365,000

Add them all up, and you’re looking at an annual outlay of £365,000. That’s a hefty sum to keep your Amazon business ticking over. But what if there was a way to drastically reduce that figure? Enter hyper automation and intelligent automation.

Hyper Automation: The Workhorse of Amazon Business

Hyper automation is like your Amazon business on steroids. It’s about automating as many business and IT processes as possible, using tools like robotic process automation (RPA), AI, and machine learning. It’s the workhorse that takes on repetitive, mundane tasks, freeing up your human team to focus on more strategic, creative tasks.

Imagine not needing a full-time inventory manager because you’ve got a hyper-automated system like TradeGecko or Zoho Inventory that manages stock levels, reorders products, and even predicts future inventory needs based on historical sales data. That’s a £30,000 saving right there. And according to Gartner, hyper-automation is an unavoidable market state in the evolution of automation.

But, let’s not forget, implementing these technologies isn’t free. You might need to hire a specialist to set up and manage these systems. Depending on their expertise and experience, this could cost you around £30,000 to £50,000 a year.

Intelligent Automation: The Brain of Amazon Business

Intelligent automation, on the other hand, is the brain of the operation. It combines the brute force of hyper automation with the cognitive capabilities of AI. It’s not just about doing tasks faster and more efficiently. It’s about making smart decisions.

Take your PPC and marketing specialist, for example. An intelligent automation system like Adzooma or WordStream can analyse campaign performance, adjust strategies, and even identify and target key demographics. It’s like having a marketing specialist who never sleeps, doesn’t take holidays, and doesn’t ask for a £30,000 salary. According to a report by Deloitte, intelligent automation can lead to a 20% reduction in time spent on key business processes.

Again, there’s a cost to consider here. Hiring a specialist to implement and manage an intelligent automation system could set you back another £30K a year.

The Tools of the Trade for Amazon Sellers

Let’s dive into some of the tools that can help you achieve these savings.

  1. Perpetua: Think of this as an Amazon Advertising Software that helps you optimise your ad campaigns. It’s like having a PPC specialist in your pocket. Perpetua uses AI to automate keyword harvesting, bid adjustments, and more.

  2. Jungle Scout: This is a product research tool that can help you find profitable products to sell on Amazon. It’s like having a brand manager and e-commerce analyst rolled into one. Jungle Scout provides data on product demand, competition, and profitability.

  3. VidMob: This platform is a creative analytics tool that uses data to improve your ads and increase marketing performance. It’s like having a graphic designer, copywriter, and social media specialist all in one place. VidMob uses AI and ML technology to score your brand’s assets and provide recommendations on how to improve them for maximum ad spend.

  4. Pacvue: Pacvue is an eCommerce accelerator and marketplace advertising platform. It’s like having a sales manager and marketing specialist on your team. Pacvue helps you respond quickly to market developments, elevate your products across multiple online marketplaces, and automate and optimise your operations and eCommerce advertising.

  5. Helium 10: This is an all-in-one software solution for Amazon sellers. It’s like having an entire team of specialists at your disposal. Helium 10 offers a suite of tools for product and keyword research, listing optimisation, operations, analytics, and marketing.

  6. OpenAI: OpenAI’s Code Interpreter is a game-changer for automating tasks. It lets ChatGPT run code, optionally with access to files you’ve uploaded. You can ask ChatGPT to analyse data, create charts, edit files, perform math, etc. It’s like having a team of data analysts and developers at your fingertips. As of July 6, Code Interpreter is rolling out in beta on the web for all ChatGPT Plus users.

The Bottom Line

By leveraging hyper automation and intelligent automation, you can automate a significant portion of your Amazon business operations. From inventory management to marketing, customer service to sales, there’s potential for automation at every turn.

And the savings? If we take the average salary of the roles mentioned above, you’re looking at a potential saving of £365,000 per year. Even when you factor in the cost of hiring specialists to implement these technologies, you’re still looking at a significant net saving.

Of course, implementing these technologies requires an investment. But when you consider the potential savings, it’s an investment worth making. And let’s not forget the non-monetary benefits – freeing up your time, reducing human error, and giving you the ability to scale your operations more efficiently.

But let’s not get carried away. Automation isn’t a magic bullet. It’s a tool, and like any tool, it’s only as good as the person using it. You still need to understand your business, your customers, and your market. You still need to make strategic decisions. And you still need to provide that human touch that no machine can replicate.

So, should you embrace hyper automation and intelligent automation? Absolutely. Should you rely on them entirely? Absolutely not. Use them to enhance your capabilities, not replace them. Use them to free up time and resources, not to cut corners. Use them to make your business more efficient and effective, not to make it impersonal and robotic.

In the end, the future of business isn’t about humans vs machines. It’s about humans and machines working together to achieve common goals. It’s about combining the creativity, intuition, and emotional intelligence of humans with the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of machines. It’s about finding the right balance between the two.

So, are you ready to embrace the future? Are you ready to take your Amazon business to the next level? The choice is yours. But remember, the future waits for no one. So, make your move before it’s too late.

Get in Touch

We’re here to help you achieve your Amazon business goals. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out. Our team of experts is ready to provide personalised solutions and support tailored to your needs. Contact us today, and let’s start your journey to Amazon success together.

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